Military Dog Picture of the Week

“Dude, put your tongue away. You are embarrassing me.”
“Sorry dad, I’m just excited to go find things for you.”
Photo and caption by Kevin Hanrahan.

Kevin Hanrahan’s blog is quickly becoming a favorite  in part because of his Military Dog Pictures of the week. Here he shares photos from a recent visit to the Inter-Service Advanced Skills K-9 (IASK) Course, YUMA Proving Grounds Arizona.

Hanrahan is a 20-year Army veteran who served three combat tours. While in Afghanistan, he was instrumental in spearheading the surge of dogs into Afghanistan and lobbied the Army to adopt the explosive detecting dog program.

He is a writer working on a novel, Paws on the Ground, about U.S. Soldiers and the dogs that protect them in the treacherous and alien terrain of Afghanistan.

Hanrahan also is advocating for a national monument honoring the Military Working Dog Teams. The monument has been approved by congress. Now, supporters are raising public funds to get it built. You can visit the Military Working Dog Teams National Monument website for details.

One Response

  1. I concorde totally, as, never as on war, dog has been and is the best friend of man.
    Buddies, You have had an aid who have saved more tyme your life, and this aid id the dog. More than a monument, then, also considering their terapheutic effects against PTSD. Claudio Alpaca

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